January 1st, the first day of a new year. A new beginning and a chance to make good on all those resolutions you failed to follow through with last year.
Most people make resolutions at the start of the new year. They choose things they want to change about themselves; lose weight, find love and get a better job. There are people all over the world writing these resolutions, and many more, down on paper so they can remember to make those changes in the coming year.
Writers have a slightly different outlook on their New Year's resolutions. Sure they have some of the normal ones, but they also have writing-related desires and the one that tops most writers' list every year is to become a better writer.
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Becoming a better writer is something every writer, from the one just beginning to the well-published author wants to achieve. Weaving mesmerizing tales is what we want to do best. Nothing brings joy to our hearts faster than having a reader say "I couldn't put it down!"
But what does becoming a better writer mean$%: The meaning varies from writer to writer. Here are some of the writing resolutions I've heard, and made, during the years I've been writing.
Write more words
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Some writers want to increase the number of words they write per day, week or month. They dream of reaching that magical word count. They feel that if they reach it they will then become a true writer and not just a wannabe.
The reality of it is there isn't a magic word count that will make you a true writer. The only way to be a writer is to write, as much as you can whenever you can.
Find a writing space
Some writers think having their own writing space will make them true writers. Because only with a dedicated area can they find the inspiration to write.
The reality is a true writer can write almost anywhere. Right now, I am sitting in a room filled with bouncy houses and screaming children. There is loud music and an A/C unit on high. But I am still writing. The only thing stopping some writers from actually sitting down and writing is their own outlook toward their craft.
Get published
Some writers think being published is the only way to be a true writer. That without their work, and byline, printed in a magazine or book they are just a wannabe hack.
The reality is being published is a wonderful feeling. The first time you receive an acceptance letter you feel you can fly. But being published isn't what makes a true writer. Honing your craft and continuing to improve your writing is what is going to get you published.
And one note on the subject of getting published. The best way to get your work published, after making sure you've edited and polished your piece into a masterpiece, is to submit your work to editors. I can guarantee you editors are not trolling the internet looking for work to publish. They already have stacks of submissions to read, and really don't have the time, or energy, to search through the vast material out there. So if you want to get published, then submit your work.
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Nothing ventured, nothing gained should be the mantra of every writer on the planet. Those four little words speak volumes about the writing life.
Before you decide you to make your New Year's resolution to become a better writer, take a few moments to think about what you mean by those words. What exactly do you want to improve$%: Take an honest look at your writing skills. If you can't do this, ask a trusted writing friend to give you a truthful evaluation. But be prepared for criticism. You can't improve your skills until you are willing to accept you have flaws. Then you're ready to become a better writer.