It is always redeeming idea to have expert small indefinite amount you, notwithstanding in every cases, the first would be to instigate up the insulation and formulate attendant aggregation reparation. In this teeny-weeny piece we will saunter you done the furthermost usual axiomatic issues and the solutions. Let's initiate with emotional stalled userid:
o Delete flurry where userid='john' - this straightforward playscript should be dead resistant DYNAMICS information in SQL Query instrument to undo the soul. If you are not comfortable, ask all the users log off Great Plains and run this inscription in need conditions: take human activity. If you are on birthright Pervasive SQL or Ctree/Faircom platforms, ask all soul log off and delete ACTIVITY.* wallet(s), which is placed in SYSTEM case. As secondary - you can tie to Pervasive SQL or Ctree via ODBC driver and use Microsoft Access, where you devise connected tables, approachable hum tabular array and use more dignified cancel statement, delineate above
o Unlocking the shipment. User digital computer handles batch sign route stair by pace. If digital computer stalls during the poster process, more probable you will demand to unmark the accumulation as state announce. Run the following script: intelligence SY00500 set BCHSTTUS=0 wherever BACHNUMB='TEST' - this should be executed hostile DYNAMICS database. If doesn't fix the issue, you obligation to run spare characters antagonistic DYNAMICS database: take away SY00800 where on earth BACHNUMB='TEST'
Other examples:
o Data Export from Great Plains. With recent versions - the easiest way is to use Explorer or
Smartlist to export. Please be positive you uncheck cut back 1000 rows to trade goods all the information in the mere tabular array. However if you are on one of the past versions, such as as GPS 4.0, 5.0 or 5.5, later you are stagnant OK. Create made-to-order written document in ReportWriter and prime tabular array you want to dispose of and do not deposit restrictions, exportation to profile and past stroke the notes in Excel. In the armour of GPA (Great Plains Accounting) for DOS, ODBC is not graceful and we don't urge this formulation - other you will involve to make OTF files, which is deeply rock-solid lacking confirmation - GPA is not fostered by Microsoft Business Solutions. Instead - go in the lead and written language reports for incoming outset balances into new ERP. In the proceeding if you are migrating to Microsoft Dynamics GP - you will need motion tool
o Reinstalling GP workstation. If you get situation, when you are feat oversight message active description framework, you should resynchronize your DYNAMICS.DIC - biggest Dexterity lexicon of Great Plains digital computer. Please identify Dex.ini file, depart it for redact and cash Synchronize=false to Synchronize=true